Open letter to travelers, post COVID-19

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«To have a traveler spirit who loves to walk towards new roads, breathe a different air, meet fascinating souls, and not be able to do that because a pandemic paralyzed the planet«.

Open letter to travalers post covidPara leer este post en español, presiona aquí.

What a horrible situation, right?

To have a traveler spirit who loves to walk towards new roads, breathe a different air, meet fascinating souls, and not be able to do that because a pandemic paralyzed the planet.

This historic event has accomplished the unthinkable; tie everyone’s hands, take away our liberty to go outside, explore and breathe freely.

To me, traveling is a feeling hard to explain. That emotion of seeing a new place for the first time, step on places where historic events happened, or natural places where oxygen is pure and fauna is fascinating.

Chateau de Versailles, travel

Chateau de Versailles, Paris, FR

Since I was a little kid, my parents have always told me that traveling is the best way to cultivate the mind, to learn history, to meet different cultures and thoughts. With them I traveled to many places around the world since I was a baby; I think that’s why my heart always has that need to travel. My mind is always thinking where to go, I can’t control it.

My Blog has a space to write about travels; however, I don’t know why I haven’t been able to write about it. I think it’s because traveling is a ritual so sacred for me; I live such emotional moments that I can’t transform into words, not even into pictures. I find it hard to make time to take good pics while I spend a long time looking at the horizon, listening to people or looking attentively to everything around me, taking it all in.

I’m sure you understand me.

Now that the world is beginning to move again, it has to start over from zero in many aspects, mostly economically. I think the best thing we can do right now, before we can fly again, is promote our own countries, attract new visitors to our land, so our countries can start rising again. It’s the least we can do. Later on, when things start to get back on track, we can continue exploring.

A few months ago, I was so excited planning my next travels; USA, Spain and Perú were on the list (I have been in those places before); but the one country I was eager to go to the most, because it is new to me, was Spain. I was there when I was little with my family, this time I was going to explore it as an adult, so I was eagerly planning my trip for this fall.

There’s still time until fall comes, but circumstances are not the same and it’s impossible to make that trip this year; however, I will go. It’s just going to take more time.

I commit to write more often about my travels. Maybe not about touristic information or itineraries, but about sensations and experiences; about the people I’ve met, about flavors and colors.

I love to read other travelers’ experiences, so please write down your link in the comment section, I would love to read yours!



Blog posts about my country:

New Year’s Traditions in my Country

Mashpi Lodge, a magical Rain Forrest

¡Gracias por compartir! / Thanks for sharing!

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