My Country: The New Age, review

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«This is without a doubt, one of the best dramas I have ever seen

My Country: The New Age, reviewPara leer este post en español, presiona aquí.

First things first

This review has no spoilers.

My Country: The New Age is a historical fiction Korean drama.

I found this series in the most unexpected way. It was recommended to me by a new Twitter friend who made a comment on a post I wrote about another K-drama, that’s how we started to chat a lot, Bno0oz is great! She is a k-drama-superfan and gave me a few titles to check out which now I have on my waiting list. I love meeting new friends whom I can talk about this guilty pleasure with! The first drama she recommended me was this one, My Country: The New Age, a Netflix original released on October 2019.

My Country The New AgeI can’t express how much I love this drama, thank you so much sweetie! @jafer_zooz

This is one of the best dramas I’ve ever seen.

I must warn you to watch this series with extra attention because there are many details that make a huge difference in future events of the story.


My Country The New AgeDuring the transitional period between the end of the Goryeo period and the beginning of the Joseon dynasty are those who fight to claim the new age, and those ordinary individuals who risk everything.

Two friends from childhood, Seo Hwi and Nam Seon-ho became enemies after a series of circumstances, in the middle of a transcendental change in the history of Korea.

In general terms

This is without a doubt one of the best dramas I have ever seen. I think I wrote this sentence already, but I won’t erase it anyway haha

Everything about this drama is spectacular, the story, the characters, everything. It made me very emotional. I cried, laughed and jumped on my couch during a few events. Also, there are lots of action sequences from the start and I loved that.

Why do I recommend My Country: The New Age?

The story

My Country The New AgeThe drama takes place during a real historical moment in Korea. It’s very interesting to see the transition process from one era to another, and the human behavior around that event. You can see many facets: On one hand, the ambition for power; the marked difference of social classes; the discrimination, not only for being rich or poor, but they also discriminated a person for what their mother or father did. On the other hand, the desire to change the world, the love for family, unconditional friendship, the sacrifice, and the fervent wish to do the right thing.

The friendship between Seo Hwi and Nam Seon-ho

My Country The New AgeThere is a beautiful and touching love story between Seo Hwi and Han Hee-jae, a woman that I liked a lot by the way; she’s smart, strong and determined. But to me, the best love story is the one of these two friends. If fact, it is one of the best love stories I’ve seen. You have no idea how much I’ve cried for those two. The complement of them both, is Yeon, Seo Hwi’s younger sister whom they both love to death. She is an adorable teenager suffering of epilepsy.My Country The New Age

The action sequences

This drama is filled with action, which is one of my favorite genres. The action sequences are great and very exciting. The actors and production team did an amazing job.My Country The New Age


Wow… This drama is very well made, which does not surprise me in a K-drama because they spare no expense when it comes to present a high-quality work. Locations are incredible, they really take you to that period in time. The war scenes are masterly made. Even the simplest locations are not simple. Everything is on point, the colors, clothing, make-up, all of it.My Country The New Age


The OST is a beauty. The instrumental music matches perfectly with every scene. I have mentioned before that I have a soundtrack collection, and the Korean tracks are among my top 3. My favorite song is the intro on each episode which turns out to be the fragment of a song called Remember by Seo ho. This is the instrumental version of the song, and this is the version with lyrics. As for the instrumental music, mi favorite is called River Flower and you can listen to it here.My Country The New Age

A little ending note

This is one of those unforgettable series, those that give you so many emotions so they stay in your heart.

My deep respect to the actors, writers, the production team and all the people involved in this drama.

You know that you will never find spoilers on my reviews, only the reasons why I recommend you to see it, so at the end you can get your own conclusions. Let me know what did you think after you watch it!



*All pics taken from Pinterest.

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