Savory tarts, hacks

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«This was my first tart experiment; I hope these hacks help you when you’ll try your own tarts«.

Savory tarts hacksPara leer este post en español, presiona aquí.

Something cool happened today. I had some pie crust leftover and that has been happening for the past few weeks, since I’ve been baking some of my pastry products for twice-a-week deliveries.

Anyway, each week I end up with pie crust leftover and it’s not enough to make another pie; I can’t save it for next week either because the dough refrigerated lasts only up to three days.

The past few weeks I had to get rid of the dough and that really hurt… This week I thought: “No María José, how can you waste that bit of dough? There must be something you can do!”

That’s how I thought about savory tarts. I don’t know the science of this dish, but to have the dough was good enough. I want to tell you what I did:

* You can buy the dough at the grocery store, or you can make it yourself. This dough is called pate brisée, it’s very easy to make and it’s amazing for pies as well as savory tarts.

1. I rolled out the dough and placed it over some mini-tarts molds that I had and never used before. You don’t need to brush the molds with butter, the dough won’t stick because it’s very greasy. I used a fork to make holes all over the dough so it won’t inflate during cooking.

2. First, I added parmesan cheese, then chopped cherry tomatoes, sliced zucchini, sautéed mushrooms, then more parmesan cheese and oregano.

* For the sautéed mushrooms, all you have to do is slice them and fry them with a little bit of butter or olive oil until soft.

3. I didn’t add salt at all, to be honest I forgot to do it but turns out it wasn’t needed. The flavor of the other ingredients combined was rich and on point.

4. To bake I placed the mini-tarts on a baking pan and into the preheated oven, at 420°F (220°C) for 15 minutes; then I lowered the temperature at 350°F (180°C) for about 40 minutes. The change of temperature is so the dough will cook first and well, then the rest of ingredients.

This was my first tart experiment; I hope these hacks help you when you’ll try your own tarts. This dish is very easy to make and the best part is that you can use the ingredients you have in hand for the filling, options are endless! Traditional recipes include olive oil and other spices that I intent to try soon.

What I also learned with this first try out is that even without salt or olive oil, the taste is rich and delicious.

If you’d like to know how my experiments are coming out, and the ingredients I use, you can follow me on Instagram: @cupcakes_harmony



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