Pumpkin puree recipe

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My mother in law taught me how to make this recipe. When her kids were little, she used to make a beverage based on this puree” …

Pumpkin puree recipePara leer este post en español, presiona aquí.

Autumn has come! This is my favorite time of the year, and even though there is no autumn in my country, when I get the chance to travel, I try to do it during this time.

I want to share with you this pumpkin puree recipe because it is the main ingredient for many delicious recipes. Usually those recipes require a can of pumpkin puree. We don’t have those cans here but there’s no need, because we have pumpkins all year round and making this puree is quite easy.

The only difference I see is that canned pumpkin puree is thicker; the homemade one is more liquid. When the puree is ready and cold, water will appear on the surface, you must remove that with a spoon. Do it every time you are about to use it. It will still be a bit liquid, but it won’t affect the results.


800 gr. pumpkin rinsed and cut into small squared pieces.

2 cinnamon sticks



Place the pumpkin into a cooking pot.

Add water only enough to cover the pumpkin.

Add the cinnamon sticks.

Cook on medium heat until the pumpkin is soft. It becomes puree practically by itself.

During cook time the water will dry out. Stir occasionally.

Once it’s ready, smash remaining pieces of pumpkin with a potato masher or a fork.

It makes 4 cups of puree.

Keep it in jars with tops or a Tupper hermetically sealed, it will last under refrigeration up to 5 days.


If you want your puree sweet, add ½ cup of brown sugar from the start. I do not do this because the recipes I use this for have their own share of sugar and spices.


My mother in law taught me how to make this recipe. When her kids were little, she used to make a beverage based on this puree, adding milk and sugar to taste and heating it in a cooking pot. It serves hot and it’s delicious. My son loves this beverage, which is also quite nutritive. Pumpkin is low on calories and rich on vitamins. It’s a great nutritional compliment.

With this puree you are ready to make any recipe pumpkin related. It will taste amazing! Yesterday I made pumpkin pancakes and they were so delicious! My son and husband were fascinated by the taste! You can find the recipe to make those pancakes on my Instagram feed.Pumpkin pancakes



Other recipes on my Blog:

Apple bundt cake

Zucchini bundt cake

Blackberry cobbler

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